Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 269

Table 18: INDOOR PORTABLE CONTAINER STORAGE FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS CLASS LEVEL LIQUID STORAGE LEVEL Ground & Upper Floors Basement Ground & Upper Floors Basement Ground & Upper Floors Basement Ground & Upper Floors Basement Ground & Upper Floors Basement IA IB IC II III LITERS PROTECTED STORAGE UNPROTECTED STORAGE MAXIMUM PER PILE MAXIMUM PER PILE 10,409 2,498 NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED 20,818 5,204 NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED 62,453 15,613 NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED 62,453 15,613 20,818 NOT PERMITTED 208,175 52,044 31,226 NOT PERMITTED i. Solid or palletized pile storage shall be so arranged that piles are separated from each other by at least 1.2m (4ft) wide aisle. j. Main aisle shall be provided with a minimum width of 2.4m or of a width providing sufficient space to operate a forklift truck, whenever necessary. k. Where the storage of liquid is on racks, a minimum of 1.2m (4 ft) wide aisle shall be provided between adjacent rows of racks and adjacent storage of liquids. l. Where ordinary combustible commodities are stored in the same area as liquids in containers, the minimum distance between the two (2) types of storage shall be 2.4m (8 ft) wide aisle. m. Storage cabinets may be used where it is desired to keep more than thirty eight liters (38ℓ) of flammable or, combustible liquids inside buildings. Individual container shall not exceed nineteen liters (19ℓ) capacity and not more than one hundred ninety liters (190ℓ) shall be stored in one cabinet. n. Storage cabinets shall be approved and shall be substantially constructed to one and two-tenths millimeters (1.2 mm) sheet iron or two and fifty four hundredths centimeters (2.54 cm) plywood or equivalent. A minimum five centimeters (5 cm) sill shall be provided, and cabinet shall be liquid tight to the top of the sill. 253