Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 261

classification may be used in the design of systems to protect high or very high hazard occupancies. 8. A minimum clearance of one meter (1 m) shall be provided between sprinkler deflectors and top of storage. 9. Draft curtains shall be provided to limit the area of sprinkler operation and to aid the operation of roof vents. 10. Draft Curtains shall be at least two meters (2 m) in depth and shall be of noncombustible materials. In low or average hazard occupancies, draft curtains, shall divide the under roof area into section not to exceed nine hundred twenty nine square meters (929 m 2 ). In high or very high hazard storage areas, draft curtains shall divide the under roof area into sections not to exceed five hundred fifty seven square meters (557 m 2 ). 11. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in combustible commodities storage. C. Fire Safety Clearance A Fire Safety Clearance from City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction shall be obtained for the storage of combustible commodities. A floor plan showing the dimension and location of high piled storage area and aisle dimensions between each storage shall be submitted. SECTION MATCHES Matches shall be stored, handled and protected as follows: A. On Storage and Handling 1. In wholesale establishments with matches exceeding sixty (60) matchman’s gross stored in shipping container, matches shall be arranged in piles not exceeding three meters (3 m) in height nor more than four hundred twenty five cubic meters (425 m 3 ) in volume with aisles at least one hundred twenty centimeter (120 cm) wide between piles; 2. Where other materials or commodities are stored on the same floor with matches, a portion of the room shall be devoted to match storage exclusively, and a clear space of not less than one hundred fifty centimeters (150 cm) between match storage and such other materials or commodities shall be maintained; 3. Matches shall be stored in a building, trailer, semi trailer, or metal shipping container with a two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating; 245