Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 260

System.” 3. Sprinkler discharge densities (liters/square meters) for combustible commodities not exceeding six hundred forty centimeters (640 cm) in height shall conform to the following table: Table 16: SPRINKLER DISCHARGE DENSITIES FOR COMBUSTIBLE COMMODITIES NOT EXCEEDING 640 cm IN HEIGHT, BY HAZARD CLASSIFICATION HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Low Average High Very High COMMODITY CLASS I or II II or III III or IV 8.2 8.2 10.2 9.4 11.4 13.5 14.3 17.1 20.4 4. The protection of combustible commodities six hundred forty centimeters (640 cm) and seven hundred sixty centimeters (760 cm) in height will require up to thirty percent (30%) increase in the densities listed in the above table. Commodities piled more than seven hundred sixty centimeters (760 cm) in height will require multi-level sprinkler application. 5. Sprinkler system protecting combustible commodities shall be designed and installed to discharge the required water density within the following prescribed minimum areas, except that areas shall be not less than three hundred seventy square meters (370 m 2 ) in calculating water flows when densities of less than one thousand one hundred forty-one liters per minute per square meters (1,141L/(min . m 2 )) are specified. Table 17: MINIMUM AREAS OF SPRINKLER DISCHARGE FOR COMBUSTIBLE COMMODITIES, BY HAZARD CLASSIFICATION HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Low Average High Very High AREA (m 2 ) 370 378 418 557 6. The above-listed minimum areas are based on the regulations for roof venting, draft curtains, aisle spacing, size pile and method of storage. Higher densities may be required in buildings that do not conform to these standards. 7. Sprinkler system shall be designed to utilize sprinklers with ordinal temperature classification, except that sprinklers with an intermediate 244