Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 188
d. The same stairway or other exit required to serve any one upper
floor may also serve other upper floor, except that no inside open
stairway, escalator, or ramp may serve as a required egress from
more than one floor.
2. Types of Exits
Exits, arranged in accordance with Division 5 of this Chapter, shall be
one or more of the following types:
a. Doors, provided that doors in any means of egress shall not be
locked against egress when the building is occupied. Delayed
egress locks may be permitted, provided that not more than one
such is located in any one egress path.
b. Stairs and smokeproof enclosures.
c. Ramps.
d. Horizontal exits.
3. Minimum Corridor Width
Corridors, other than those in within individual guest rooms or individual
guest suites, shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the required
occupant load and shall not be less than one hundred twelve
centimeters (112 cm).
4. Number of Exits
Not less than two (2) exits shall be accessible from every floor,
including floors below the floor of exit discharge and occupied for
public purposes.
5. Travel Distance to Exits
a. Any exit shall be such that it will not be necessary to travel more
than thirty meters (30 m) from the door of any room to reach the
nearest exit.
b. Travel distance within a guest room or guest suite to a corridor door
shall not exceed twenty three meters (23 m) in buildings not
protected by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system.
c. Travel distance within a guest room or guest suite to a corridor door
shall not exceed thirty eight meters (38 m) in buildings protected by
an approved, supervised sprinkler system.