Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 187
area as determined by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having
jurisdiction and the means of egress shall be separated by a
construction of not less than 1 hour.
3. No guest room or guest suite shall be permitted to be located above a
nonresidential occupancy except when the guest room or guest suite
and its exits are separated from the nonresidential occupancy by
construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour or
when the nonresidential occupancy is protected throughout by
approved, supervised sprinkler system.
A. Requirements
1. Any ballroom assembly or exhibition hall, and other space used for
purposes of public assembly shall be in accordance, with Division 7 of
this Chapter. Restaurant having a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons
shall be treated as places of assembly.
2. Any dormitory divided into suites of rooms, with one or more bedrooms
opening into a living room or study that has a door opening into a
common corridor serving number of suites, shall be classified as an
apartment building.
B. Exit Details
1. Requirements
a. Any room having a capacity of less than fifty (50) persons with an
outside door at street or ground level may have such outside door
as a single exit provided that no part of the room or area is more
than fifteen and one-fourth meters (15.25 m) from the door
measured along the natural path of travel.
b. Any floor below the floor of exit discharge occupied for public
purposes shall have exits arranged in accordance with the
subsequent paragraph of this Section, with access thereto in
accordance with Section of this IRR.
c. Any floor below the floor of exit discharge not open to the public
and used only for mechanical equipment, storage, and service
operations (other than kitchens which are considered part of the
hotel occupancy) shall have exits appropriate to its actual
occupancy in accordance with applicable sections of this