FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 62
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Starting/Minimum & Maximum Salary Range for Malaysian Full-Time
The overall median salary for all types of jobs can range between RM2,156 to RM3,760 on average.
Analysis by Establishment Size
Nonetheless, the breakdown by establishment size shows that employees from the Large establishments
received the widest salary range, while the salary range for the Small establishments was the least on
Analysis by Sector
The salary range for employees within the Financial & Insurance/Takaful sector was the widest,
followed by Information & Communication sector. The salary range for employees within the Arts,
Entertainment & Recreation sector was the least among all sectors.
Figure 2.18 Minimum/Starting and Maximum Median Monthly Basic Salary for Malaysian
Full-Time Employees by MSIC