FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 61

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 Table 2.1 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Malaysian Full-Time Employees by MSIC & Gender Male (RM) Female (RM) Gender Pay Gap (Male to Female) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing RM2,876 RM2,000 1.44 Mining and Quarrying RM3,036 RM2,978 1.02 Manufacturing RM3,624 RM2,650 1.37 Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply RM4,975 RM3,470 1.43 Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities RM5,200 RM3,300 1.58 Construction RM4,804 RM3,375 1.42 Wholesale & Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles RM3,867 RM2,707 1.43 Transportation and Storage RM3,206 RM2,800 1.15 Accommodation and Food Service Activities RM1,950 RM1,679 1.16 Information and Communication RM7,608 RM5,688 1.34 Financial and Insurance/Takaful Activities RM6,811 RM4,819 1.41 Real Estate Activities RM5,444 RM4,066 1.34 RM3,792 RM3,330 1.14 Administrative and Support Service Activities RM2,772 RM2,782 1.00 Education RM2,500 RM2,392 1.05 Human Health and Social Work Activities RM6,067 RM2,718 2.23 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation RM2,800 RM2,360 1.19 Other Services RM3,900 RM3,479 1.12 RM3,513 RM2,647 1.33 Sector/Gender Professional, Activities Overall Average Scientific and Technical 57