FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 58
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Figure 2.14 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Full-Time Employees by Nationality & MASCO
1-Digit Level
Gender Comparison
The median monthly basic salary for female employees working full time were RM2,647 while the
median monthly basic salary for male employees were RM3,513 (refer to Figure 2.15). Looking at the
gender gap on broad level, establishments on average paid their male employees 24% more in terms of
median monthly basic salary than female employees, which may be due to the occupational segregation
as evidenced in Section 5 where female employees were underrepresented in 8 out of 9 job categories.
Figure 2.15 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Malaysian Full-Time Employees by Gender