FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 57
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Analysis by Sector
The basic salary for Foreign employees within the Financial & Insurance/Takaful sector was 3 times
more when compared to Malaysian employees. A higher median salary is also seen for Foreign
employees from Information & Communication, Professional, Scientific & Technical, Education, and
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation sectors.
Figure 2.13 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Full-Time Employees by Nationality & MSIC
Analysis by Occupational Structure
Foreign employees in the high-skilled job categories received a higher salary from their employers
when compared to Malaysian employees. For instances, Foreign employees within the Managers job
category were offered higher salary, i.e. almost twice than the Malaysian employees (refer to Figure
Nevertheless, Malaysian employees in the semi to low-skilled job categories from Clerical Support
Workers to Elementary Occupations categories generally received a higher salary from their employers
when compared to their foreign counterparts.
The latest minimum wage policy stipulates that the minimum wage for Malaysia is RM1,050. The
wages paid to both Malaysian and Foreign employees in the lowest ladder of the job occupation levels
were reported to be above the required minimum wage per month stipulated for both Peninsular
Malaysia and East Malaysia.