FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 50
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Figure 2.3 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Full-Time Employees by Geography
Analysis by Salary Band
Figure 2.4 highlights the median monthly basic salary distribution of Malaysian employees by different
salary range. The distribution above is estimated based on (total basic salaries employers paid for each
job category / total employees in that category) for each establishment. The results depict that 24% of
the establishments paid their Malaysian full-time employees less than RM2,000 in basic monthly salary,
with 3% of them paying their employees less than RM1,000. 51% of the establishments paid their
Malaysian employees between RM2,000 and RM5,999 while 25% of them paid more than RM6,000.
Figure 2.4 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Malaysian Full-Time Employees by Salary Band