FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 51

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 Analysis by Establishment Size Figure 2.5 highlights the difference in overall monthly basic salary among the different establishment size. Overall, Large establishments paid 27% and 41% more in salary than Medium and Small establishments respectively. Figure 2.5 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Full-Time Employees by Establishment Size Analysis by Sector As shown in Figure 2.6, Financial & Insurance/Takaful and Information & Communication sectors yield the best opportunities for those eager to earn high salaries as it offered its employees with an average of about RM6,710 and RM5,892 per month at median level. Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management & Remediation sector also joined the aforementioned sectors as one of the notable high paying sectors. Accommodation & Food Services sector had the lowest median monthly basic salary for full-time employees at RM1,882, which was 41% below the overall average monthly basic salary at median level. 47