FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 21
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Care should be taken when comparing the survey data over time. Estimates of the data can
change over time due to several reasons, for example, changes in the sample design, changes
in analysis method, changes in the statistical unit structure including industry classification,
changes in business environment, etc.
Caution should also be exercised when comparing the survey data with other statistics results
published by DOSM, for example, the Labour Force Survey and the Salaries and Wages Report
as there are a number of differences between NER and both the studies. For instances, NER is
an establishment-based survey that collects information from a sample of private sector
employers about their employees, whereas the Labour Force Survey is a household survey that
collects information from the households of selected dwellings. Both surveys use different
sampling design and survey methodologies and as such, there are differences in scope and
Discrepancies may occur between sums of component items and the total due to the rounding
Report Structure
The findings have been grouped according to key themes as follows:
a) Establishment/Employees Characteristics
b) Salary and Compensations
c) Education and Skills Level
d) Hiring & Recruitment
e) Outsourcing