FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 20

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 Usefulness of Information NER results give a pulse of what happened in the Malaysia job market, and relevant stakeholders such as the government, education institution and even the establishments could use it as a guide to adjust their human resource development strategy or plan according to the current market need. Results from NER will be used primarily to assist the Ministry of Human Resources in identifying emerging trends in salary/wages and contributes to developing policies relating to human resource development. Specifically, the results will be used for:- 1. Reviewing employee compensation and benefits in the context of the Minimum Wage policy implementation 2. Establishing the mix of occupation by nationality status employed in various sectors 3. Establishing the cost of labour in Malaysia by occupation and sector 4. Analysing employee productivity by industry 5. Understanding the skills required by employers to ensure the academic curriculum fits the requirements 6. Understanding the labour demand in the market Reliability of Data The following should be noted when using the survey data from NER 2018. • NER 2018 is a sample-based survey whereby the estimates of the target population are drawn from the data collected from the survey. As such, differences would exist between the published data and the value that would have been available if the entire population had been surveyed. Factors influencing the magnitude of this difference include the sample size, the sample design, method of estimation, and the characteristics studied. In general, the smaller the sample size, the larger the magnitude of this differences. • Data for NER 2018 are collected at establishment level and job level, rather than employee level. This means that the data is collected as aggregates, separated only into male and female employees. • The occupational wage data are based on aggregates of similar jobs and thus shall only be served as a guide for expected wages of individuals. It should be noted that no workers and jobs are totally alike, for example, jobs may differ in scope, responsibilities, requirements and working environment and workers may differ in skills level, productivity and innate ability. • The study does not take into consideration of the factors that may affect the salaries and wages of employees such as years of working experience, education level, working hour, etc. 16