FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 19

National Employment Returns (NER) 2018 wages is similar to the detailed breakdown such as breakdown by gender, by nationality, by job categories etc. It should be noted that there are other ways to compute the average salaries and wages indicators depending on the usage of the data. The values which are below 25% of the total salary values for the employee’s 25 th Percentile earnings. When an establishment pay at the ‘25 th percentile’ of the range, it means that the value is in the bottom 25% of the salary scale. The ‘middle’ observation in a set of data that are arranged in sequence, such Median (50 th Percentile) that 50% are below and 50% are above that point. The ‘Median” point of the range is considered as the ‘middle’ of the market. It is used for the purpose of compensation analysis due to its stability. It is the number of a set of data values which cuts off at the highest 25% of th 75 Percentile: data. High-Skill: Managers, professionals, technicians and associates professionals; Category of skills Semi-Skill: Clerical support, service and sales, craft and related trades workers and plant and machine operators and assemblers Low-Skill: Elementary occupations Hard-to-fill vacancies Hard-to-fill vacancies refer to the existing vacancies which have remained vacant for 3 months or longer despite the establishment’s recruitment effort. Expatriate: Foreigner who works in Malaysia with the highest level of management position/management and professional or technical skills occupation which requires experience and relevant technical skills approved by Expatriate Committee formed by agencies. Foreign Workers Categories Foreign Worker: Foreigner who works in Malaysia without professional qualification and technical skills as well as experience. Permanent Resident (PR): Foreign citizen who has been granted the Permanent Residency status in Malaysia under the Immigration Act and Regulations 1959/63. PR is exempted from all visa requirements to enter and remain in Malaysia Outsourcing is a practice used by different companies by contracting out a business process to outside suppliers in place of an internal resource. Outsourcing Number of outsourced workers engaged refer to total workers supply by an outsourcing company to work on the establishment’s premise. 15