FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 18
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Refer to those with a labour contract (permanent or temporary, full time or
part time) with the establishment in accordance with the Employment Act
1955 and receive remuneration for the work completed. Employees do not
include persons working at home, self-employed, own account workers,
family workers, unpaid owners / directors / managers (who are paid by way
of fee or profit share), persons wholly paid by commission or fee, and working
Small, medium and large organisations were covered in the survey (as per the
Type of
definition by SMECorp), while micro-sized enterprises which employ less
than 5 employees were excluded.
Full-time workers refer to all those who normally work for at least six (6)
hours a day and 20 days a month
Part-time workers refer to those who worked less than 6 hours a day and/ or
less than 20 days a month and received pay.
Based on the Malaysia Standard Classification of Occupations (MASCO)
2013. MASCO is a national benchmark for the classification of occupations
Job Occupation
in the employment structure of the country, which has been developed in
accordance with International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO),
with changes and modifications to meet the needs of the country.
Based on the principal activity and is in accordance to the Malaysian Standard
Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2008 version 1.0. The MSIC 2008 version
conforms to the latest International Standard Industrial Classification of All
Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4, United Nations, with modifications
to suit local conditions.
Refers to all payments (salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, overtime pay
and cash allowances including cost of living, housing, car, food, etc.) made
throughout the reference year to all paid employees in each category.
The overall average salaries and wages paid by establishments to its
Salaries and
employees (assuming no differences in terms of job categories, gender,
nationality, years of experience) reported in NER 2018 were derived by
dividing the total basic salaries that the respective establishments provided to
all their employees by the total number of employees employed within the
respective establishments. Further, the overall average salaries and wages are
reported at median level. The computation method for the average salaries and