FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 17
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
NER 2018 used the Establishment and Enterprise (EE) frame established by Department of Statistics
Malaysia (DOSM) to generate a sample of establishments for the survey.
NER 2018 data were collected via a sample survey, which means data were collected from a selection
of establishments instead of all establishments in Malaysia. Hence, the results were sent to weighting
to estimate the information at population level.
The analysis in this report draws on the findings of the return form from 4,028 establishments located
all over Malaysia. The final survey results were weighted to estimate the survey results against the total
population. The following sections outlines the findings for NER 2018 based on weighted results. On
questions where the participation did not meet the minimal sample requirements (i.e. when there are
less than 30 establishments which responded to the particular questions), the findings are either shown
based on unweighted results or marked with an asterisk.
The reference period for NER 2018 is December 2017. The estimates are available by sector and
establishment sizes to match the weighting methodology used in the past NER studies.
Concepts and Interpretation of Results
Although the employment and salaries & wages data relate to the full twelve
months of the financial year, the indicators were in fact an estimate based on
Reference Period
the last pay period ending in December 2017. Hence, estimates of the number
of employees and the salaries and wages per person employed may be affected
by any fluctuations in employment during the reference period.
An establishment is defined as “an economic unit engaged under a single
ownership or dominant, which is a single legal entity. It runs one type of major
economic activity operating in a single place / physical location. Each
establishment was assigned an industry classification based on its principal
activity and not to that of its parent company 1 .
Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia