As a young married woman, I am often asked when “the little ones” are coming.
In the not too distant past, the idea of a married woman who doesn’t want children was a topic reserved for the neighborhood gossip chain. Today, however, it’s becoming more common, and luckily for me, more accepted. You see, I currently fall into the “not so sure having children is for me” category. However, despite my personal preferences, there is a basic human desire to relate to those in my life who have chosen to go down the parenthood path; and I’m sure I’m not alone.
Maybe I don’t have children, maybe I’m not trying to have them, but that doesn’t mean I can’t relate to parenting. I do have a dog! There are some obvious differences; I mean clearly, I didn’t birth a dog— unpopular comparison or not - in many ways having a dog is like having a kid.
They rely on you completely. My husband and I have cleaned up our fair share of bodily excrements and spent plenty of sleepless nights with the puppy child. Diet, social skills, hygiene, education (yes, dogs need education too); the whole nine yards - his well-being depends on us.
Their safety and happiness is your number one priority. Our days often revolve around Harvey’s needs, whatever they may be on a given day.
We once lost Harvey after he got scared of fireworks and ran away. Nothing could compare to the mixture of sadness, desperation, guilt and fear I felt. And when he came back home after several hours (which felt like an eternity), the complete opposite - an incomparable sense of relief and happiness.
They bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. My husband and I reflect regularly on how happy Harvey makes us. He can always make us smile and laugh, even on the worst of days.
My Dog May be the Only Child I Have...By Choice
by Jackie Minchillo