Fete Lifestyle Magazine November 2020 - Food Issue | Page 60

Did you know words carry vibrational frequencies? According to Christie Marie Sheldon, best-selling author and intuitive healer, speaking the words "Thank You" and focusing on the feeling and emotion of gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequency states we can experience and supports healing physically and mentally. We increase our vibrational frequency state by focusing on words, feelings, and actions of appreciation and gratitude. Simply by thinking of a time you felt appreciated, remembering an experience of gratitude, or focusing on the basic necessities we often take for granted, we quickly change our mood and energy. When spoken aloud, with emotion and affirmation, the energy vibration of gratitude is felt by the giver and the receiver.

Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan studied the effects of words on water and found the word "Thank You" actually changed the shape of the water crystals. When the word "Thank You" is written on the water container or spoken over the water, the water crystals when frozen, sliced, and viewed under microscope magnification, change form from convoluted to beautiful diamond and symmetrical shapes. People don't realize the effect their words have. Words are creative. You have the choice to choose words that empower or words that injure. The power of gratitude is demonstrated by how the shape of water crystals become beautifully designs simply by speaking or writing the words "Thank You."

The ancient Hawaiians understood the power of gratitude. The Hawaiian practice, Ho'Oponopono, simply stated in the English language, "I Love You, I Am Sorry, Forgive Me, and Thank You," cleanses a person's energy blocks and inspires love in all of our relationships: with ourselves, others, and the earth. People who experience trauma throughout their lives often hold on to the negative emotions of anger, fear, resentment, shame, and guilt without realizing the negative impact on our bodies. Harboring negative emotions

for an extended period of time contribute to creating physiological disease. These four statements when spoken aloud and repeated daily create harmony, healing, humility, forgiveness, and gratitude. The daily practice of repeating Ho'Oponopono has the power to release the negative emotions in order to free a person from their past and present suffering and move towards emotional healing.