Referred to as the Zen Millionaire, Ken Honda is Japan's most influential money master. He understands the Power of Gratitude. He shares the Japanese art of healing your money wounds by speaking the word "Arigato." Arigato is Japanese for "Thank You." Money wounds are any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs about money, its inherent value or purpose. Ken shares his secret to abundance is to appreciate your money and its desire to return to you. Speaking or thinking the word "Arigato" every time you circulate or receive money, clears your money wounds and creates more abundance. Remember the more you appreciate your money, the more you attract money into your life.
The Power of Gratitude sends a message to the Universe that you want more of what you have that is abundant, more of what you feel that is love, and more of what you are experiencing that is positive. The Universe is always operating at your highest good, so by saying "Thank You," you affirm that what you are attracting is exactly what you want, and more of it- abundantly and without limitations. The Power is in Choosing to focus on thoughts of being thankful, on feelings of being grateful, and on speaking the words "Thank You." My recommendation for you is that every morning when you wake, you focus your mind on three things you are grateful for. Can you remember a time that you felt "grateful" for someone or something that you experienced? Can you remember the last time you shared a smiled with a stranger for no reason? Thankful.
Can you recall a time when someone held the door for you? When someone paused for you to speak and you felt heard? When you celebrated yourself for something you said or did? When you looked up and noticed the rainbow in the sky? Or when you realized while taking a deep breath you were alive? Grateful.
This my friend... is the Power of Gratitude. Gratitude is a choice that positively affects our bodies, our minds, and our relationships. Thank you for being you!