Fete Lifestyle Magazine March 2024 - Men's Issue | Page 65

3. Speak to yourself with kindness. Practice becoming your own best friend, by talking to yourself as you would if you were talking to a best friend. Speak to yourself from a place of love using gentle words. Encourage yourself to try new things, explore your interest, and believe that what you think and how you feel matter. Give yourself advice that always supports your highest good. Empower yourself to be your best and not dim your light for anyone. Best friends know your shortcomings but love you anyway. Show yourself compassion when you make a mistake, you may not understand the intention behind your choice. When you make a decision that is hurtful to yourself or others, simply tell yourself you are sorry. Ask for your own forgiveness. Promise yourself that you will do better now that you have learned from the experience. Being kind to yourself means letting go of low vibrational emotions that weigh you down including guilt, anger, shame, resentment, etc. Letting go means creating space to experience high vibrational emotions in the present moment. Being kind means not comparing yourself to anyone else, understanding that no two journeys are the same and no one can compare to you. Do not accept from yourself words that are critical, demeaning, or disrespectful as you would not accept this from a best friend.