Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2022 - Anything Goes Issue | Page 44





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that the cost of parking was truly an obstacle for so many families, which left many babies alone far too often.

After Jackson passed away, we started the Jackson Chance Foundation in his honor to celebrate his life and to give other babies the same opportunity that he had - to have a loved one with them, each and every day. It quickly became clear that to us, that providing parking to NICU families would achieve our goal.

Jackson Chance Foundation’s NICU Transportation Program provides every baby the opportunity to have a loved one beside with them 24/7. Via our program, every baby receives a monthly pass that gives any family member unlimited in/out parking privileges. This not only saves the family significant dollars, but it also increases the visits and time spent with their baby which has been medically proven to improve a baby’s health.

Explain why Jackson Chance goes beyond just providing parking for families but also focuses on educating why parking matters.

Parking sounds so simple and like a small gift but it’s really significant. The average length of stay for NICU babies is 28 days, which means most babies stay for months at a time. The cost of parking is truly a burden and an obstacle for families. Imagine having to pay a fee each time you wanted to see your child. For families with premature and critically ill children in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), this isn’t imaginary. This is reality. Having a parent at a baby’s

bedside is something that is so easily taken for granted when you have a healthy baby at home but is truly a luxury in the NICU.

You’ve hosted a lot of successful fundraising events to bring awareness to this important cause. Share your most memorable moments for the Jackson Chance Foundation since its inception.

Oh wow, there are so many moments. Jackson Chance Foundation truly took on a life of

its own and has surpassed anything we ever imagined. We are super proud that we were able to launch our very first NICU Transportation Program at Lurie in 2013, exactly 1 year after Jackson passed. It was really important for us to raise enough funds to ensure the program was sustainable and long lasting. This was a major accomplishment for us. Owl Ride for Jackson is Terry’s passion and is an event that we created ourselves. I am very proud of the funds it raises but also the opportunity it has provided so many other families to honor their NICU babies by riding and supporting.