Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2022 - Anything Goes Issue | Page 43

elcoming a new

baby into the

world is not the

same experience for every parent. We know that giving birth is a gift that should not be taken for granted and parents that are able to take their new bundle of joy home from the hospital only after a few days is a blessing. But for many families that just doesn’t happen, because between 10 and 15 percent of all babies born in the United States require special care in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). The worry and stress that comes along with that is one thing but imagine having an additional financial burden that could prevent you from being by your baby’s side each and every day.

Carrie and Terry Meghie are parents that spent a significant amount of time in the NICU with their late son Jackson Chance. During that time, they discovered something eye opening that impacted a lot of families, the enormous cost of hospital parking. Knowing that every minute mattered while spending time with their son, they were inspired to start the Jackson Chance Foundation, which removes the financial burden of parking for NICU families. Carrie has been recognized as a hero on a national level and the Jackson Chance Foundation has helped hundreds of families through their many fundraisers. FLM is excited to share their story and shine a spotlight on the work that this foundation is doing to help families.


hundreds of families through their many fundraisers. FLM is excited to share their story and shine a spotlight on the work that this foundation is doing to help families.

Your story is one that many parents can resonate with, but not a lot of people know about. Describe your light bulb moment when you decided that you wanted to honor your late son by doing something more to help parents with their parking expense.

After Jackson passed, I was determined to honor his life and celebrate him. It became clear very early on that the best way to do this was to find a way to impact and enhance the lives of other babies like Jackson.

When Jackson spent 10 months in the neonatal intensive care unit, Terry and I were shocked at the cost of parking. We were so blessed and fortunate to have the resources to be there with him each and every day. But it didn’t take long for us to see that the cost of parking was truly an obstacle for so many families, which left many babies alone far too often.