Fete Lifestyle Magazine August 2021 - Anything Goes | Page 61

Photo Credit Raphael Renter

Trust your intuition – in love, work, and friendships – and whatever happens, you will at least be true to yourself. In the past few years of meditation practice, I’ve come to realize that a quiet mind is a happy mind. Sit and know you’re sitting, as they say, and listen in mindfulness to what you need to work through.

Don’t forget how to play. I’ve always been kind of a serious person. I remember being a stressed-out kid, suffering under the pressure I put on myself to achieve. It’s only as I’ve become a parent that I’m learning how to play again. My sister is great at play, and I’m trying my best to channel that silly and fun part of myself that I hid away a long time ago.

And finally: Don’t wear uncomfortable shoes (without an excellent reason). I danced at my friend’s wedding in some fabulous heels and didn’t suffer a bit – but in general, I’m now a white tennis shoe girl. I had a closet full of uncomfortable heels, and when I was sorting them out for donation, the phrase I most repeated was, “What was I thinking?

Twenty-five-year-old me would probably be horrified by this list. She would probably roll her eyes as she walked away on her stilettos. Still, I hope the advice of this mature lady can save someone some heartache or, at least, aching feet.