Femme Plus July 2017 | Page 26

kill myself.” As soon as those words reached my ears, my heart fell deep into my stomach. Being so young and naïve, I thought that if he did kill himself that it would be my fault. Tyler had manipulated me to stay with him and I was trapped in a toxic relationship. After the events of that night, Tyler was on his best behavior, but it wasn’t long before he was more irratio- nal and unpredictable than ever before. He would yell at me if he found strands of my hair in the bathroom sink, and would even get angry with me if I looked at a male in public who passed by us. me to perform oral sex on him, before he pulled off my under- wear. He then forced my legs open, despite me saying “no” and to “stop” before perform- ing oral sex on me – which I now realise, is oral rape. That night was one of the darkest of my life where I was violated and my dig- nity was stripped from me com- plete- ly. came anxious around strangers or even people I knew, because I thought everyone was looking at me and judging me like Tyler did. As the abuse con- tinued, I lost every one of my friendships and he even began stop- ping me from visiting my family. I would also find myself walk- ing on eggshells in the relationship – watching what I L ate one night in summer, on the floor of his bedroom, Tyler sexually assault- ed me. I remember clearly in my mind every detail from that night. The room was dark, with small strips of light falling from the streetlights through the gaps in the blinds. The carpet was rough on my skin. The silver lock on the door latched – trap- ping in an eerie silence that fell upon the room. Tyler pressured page 26 A noth- er way that Tyler would control me was through weakening my self-esteem. He would comment on what I ate, what I was wearing and how I looked and this led to me feeling very self-conscious. Over time I became de- pressed and developed social anxiety. I be- said to prevent a possible irrational outburst from Tyler. My life failed to exist outside of the relation- ship. W hen Tyler and I began living together, the physical abuse became more severe. He would punch walls - leaving cracks in them, he would throw things and one day he held his fist up and yelled at me, “don’t make me hit you.” The only way I knew to protect myself from Tyler was to hide from him or try to calm him down and de-escalate the situation. I was then working full time as a Nurse and with a mix- ture of work, moving in and the nature of our relationship I was often sick. I had spo- ken to Tyler about my desire to reduce hours at work due to my sickness and feeling overwhelmed. Yet, he told me that this was not an option and made me feel pathet- ic and like a failure for even entertaining the idea. As our rela- tionship continued, I could see and feel my happiness and joy for life depleting rapidly. I n late 2015, when I was using Tyler’s laptop to print off some work docu- ments, I found opened Internet windows that showed me he was be- ing unfaithful. I felt an unnatural anger inside of me when I saw this. I couldn’t believe that Tyler would do some- thing like that in our new home; especially after everything he had put me through