6 - February - 2025 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight
WSCA Board Meeting Minutes
September 5-8 . If they limit their classes , it may affect the # of stalls that they need to rent from WSCA . The committee has been brainstorming what food and other vendors might look like .
Computer : Jake Flodquist Absent . Nothing to report .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney
Absent . Nothing to report . Futurity : Waiting on Board approval for new chair .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin
The committee has had the opportunity to talk to a few people interested in the expedited judges application . The committee would like the Board to approve the 3 probationary judges to full judge status .
Motion was made by James Duenow , seconded by Julie Gintner , to move Lori Ricigliano to full judge status . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion was made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Lori Taylor , to move Ashley Zutz to full judge status . Motion carried unanimously .
Motion was made by James Duenow , seconded by Lori Taylor , to move Jennifer Andrist to full judge status . Motion carried unanimously .
Kelly Dobravra has been informed by the committee of the boards approval to move her into probationary status , and she has already begun to schedule shows for 2025 . Our apprentice judge has had a very successful season , and the committee is looking forward to her testing in 2025 . The committee is continuing to develop topics for the 2025 seminar .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow
The December results edition of the spotlight will go out later this week . There will be no January edition of the spotlight . Otherwise , Rachel has been working on 2025 champ show material .
Nominating : Ann Goebel Absent . Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube
Sandy and Julie presented the updated scholarship committee procedure . The changes made to the procedure reflects what is currently being carried out by the committee .
Motion was made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Julia Northwick , to approve the updated procedure as presented . Motion carried unanimously .
Sandy presented the updated Scoring and Penalties procedure and score sheets . The changes presented simply are bringing penalties in line with other associations , and bring the additions needed for the new Ranch classes . If approved by the board , these changes will also be reflected in the rulebook .
Motion was made by James Duenow , seconded by Lori Taylor , to update the Scoring and Penalty changes and additions to the procedure as presented .