Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 50
February 2019 - Edition 32
Senstar Corporate Profile
Senstar has been safeguarding
people, places and property with
the world’s largest portfolio of pe-
rimeter intrusion detection sen-
sors for over 35 years.
Senstar is also a leading provider of
pipeline protection, personal duress
and cyber security solutions.
With corporate offices in strategic lo-
cations worldwide and products op-
erating in more than 100 countries,
Now combined with world-class video
Senstar has an extensive global pres-
management systems and analyt-
ence in the security market.
ics (formerly Aimetis), Senstar offers a
comprehensive suite of proven tech- Senstar is committed to evolving our
nologies that work together to reduce products through significant invest-
complexity, improve performance ment in advanced research and devel-
and unify support.
opment, operating three R&D centers,