Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 49

www.AmericanSecurityToday.com February 2019 - Edition 32 Dean C. Alexander’s groundbreaking currently undermines kin connected ter- new book, Family Terror Networks, rorism. analyzes the emerging and troubling The epilogue projects as to the future of aspects of family terror networks. family terror networks. In doing so, the work chronicles the issue This is the ideal book for policy makers, of family affiliated terrorism along the criminal justice professionals, academ- following construct. ics, students, and others seeking to un- Chapter 1 addresses general principles derstand this threat. of terrorism. Chapter 2 discusses the characteristics of family terror net- works. Chapter 3 shares case studies involving family terror networks across ideologies. Chapter 4 proposes a model for predicting family terror networks and its utility in combat- ing this type of political violence. Also, analysis of the 118 case stud- ies of family connected terror- ism involving 138 examples of kin relationships (e.g., brothers, husbands/wives, and fathers/sons) is provided. For purposes of these case studies, the term terrorism also signifies indi- viduals otherwise referred to as ex- tremists in the media. Chapter 5 describes law enforcement responses to terrorism, which con- 47