Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 48
February 2019 - Edition 32
Prof. Alexander’s professional experience in-
cludes executive, business development,
and legal positions in the United States and
abroad, including Chile, Israel, and the United
He served as a consultant to the World Bank,
Organization of American States, homeland
security firms, and investment companies.
Dean C. Alexander, professor/director of
the Homeland Security Research Program
at Western Illinois University and author
of the groundbreaking new book, ‘Fami-
ly Terror Networks’, which analyzes the
emerging and troubling aspects of family
terror networks.
Since first publishing on terrorism in 1991,
Prof. Alexander has written several books on
the subject, including: Family Terror Net-
works (2019), The Islamic State: Com-
bating the Caliphate Without Borders
(2015), Business Confronts Terrorism:
Risks and Responses ( Wisconsin, 2004)
and Terrorism and Business: The Impact
of September 11, 2001 (Transnational,
Prof. Alexander’s teaching, research, and
speaking activities encompass terrorism, He was a founding Advisory Council member
of the Marsh Center for Risk Insights, re-
security, and legal issues.
search fellow at the Chesapeake Innovation
Center, and served on the Anti-Terrorism Ad-
He has lectured in ten countries; to law en- visory Council executive board for the Central
forcement and military officials, including District of Illinois.
the National Intelligence University, NA-
TO’s Centre of Excellence Defence Against Prof. Alexander earned law degrees from
Terrorism, Illinois Statewide Terrorism Georgetown University Law Center (LL.M.)
and Intelligence Center, Oregon Fusion and American University, Washington
Center, Michigan State Police, Milwaukee College of Law (J.D.). He received his under-
Police Department, and Northern Califor- graduate degree from Georgetown Univer-
nia Regional Intelligence Center, among sity and attended the Graduate Institute of
International Studies.