Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 51
entry into secure areas
well as the world’s largest private test unauthorized February
2019 - Edition 32
to prop-
facility of its kind to ensure our products
perform in the most extreme conditions. erty or hurt themselves.
• Reliable and effective detection
Senstar products are currently protect- • Low nuisance alarm rates
ing tens of thousands of sites world- • Integration with deterrence devices
(lights, sirens)
wide and have been implemented in
banking, commercial, corrections, edu- • Integration with assessment devices
(cameras, analytics, other sensors)
cation, energy and industrial, enter-
tainment and hospitality, government, VIDEO MANAGEMENT AND ANA-
healthcare, military, retail, transporta- LYTICS
tion markets, as well as VIP residences.
Senstar video management software
PERIMETER INTRUSION DETECTION (VMS) and analytics identify suspi-
cious behavior and persons of interest,
Senstar perimeter intrusion detection streamline operations, and centralize IT
systems (PIDS) provide early warning of management in the cloud.
(Senstar has been manufacturing, selling and supporting the world’s largest portfolio of perimeter intrusion
detection sensor technologies for more than 30 years.)