Family Care Thanksgiving Celebration
Family Care Calder the Trick Dog
Family Care Thanksgiving Celebration
Our Family Care Program hosted a Thanksgiving lunch to help network and build relationships with our families . “ FUNction Events ” catered our Thanksgiving lunch with sliced roasted turkey , pineapple glazed ham , mashed potatoes , gravy , cornbread dressing , green bean casserole , and sweet potato souffle . To support this event $ 1,500 was donated by Parish Church of St . Luke . This Thanksgiving celebration was hugely successful in bonding over 30 grateful participants from our Family Care families , board members , and FCFC staff .
Family Care Calder the Trick Dog
On November 9 , 2024 , Calder the Therapy Dog visited Fannin County Family Connection . Breakfast was provided by FCFC including chicken , bacon , and plain biscuits . Calder and his owners were extremely sweet and interactive with our Family Care families . Calder was a pro at bringing even the shyest of kids out of their shell ! The kids enjoyed watching Calder perform tricks such as balancing himself on a small box , jumping hurdles , weaving between boxes , jump rope , and search / rescue . Calder ’ s owners said that he had not played that hard in a long time .