Fashion Wanderer - Marketing Campaign 1 | Page 7

To create a brand that is strong and flourishing with a large support system from other brands, it needs to have a marketing mix that when combined together work and assist successful each other. Each section of the marketing mix needs to be panned precisely and carried out in a way that will always support the business. I feel that promotion is the most important factor for Fashion Wanderer to be successful. Being an online brand, it is hard to be seen when there are so many other online platforms. With successful promotion it means that people will want to visit and inquire about the brand and the most people visit the online platform, the easier it will be for people to find. My marketing mix for this brand

is so important toits strength

and success.

Social media and

collaborations with new designers, influencers and brands will be key in the promotion of Fashion Wanderer. In order for the brand to grow, I believe it needs to have a strong social media with a strong following of influencers and brands. Social Media is ultimately the most used media today and without it many brands would be unsuccessful and many jobs wouldn’t exist. To promote on social media would gain the age group of 17-25 that the brand is aiming for. This age group are the ones most likely to use social media and to be awareness of new brand circulating.

As well as this, collaborations with brands and influencers will be hugely important in promotion as it will not only give Fashion Wanderer support but will sell the brand to their loyal customers and followers too as it will show to them that Fashion Wanderer is a brand that can be trusted.


The Mix