Fashion Wanderer - Marketing Campaign 1 | Page 6

To be part of the subscription service for Fashion Wanderer it is £7.99 per month. The subscription service includes the tri-monthly magazine in the post, access all areas that are locked to the general public on the website, notifications and alerts such as emails when a new post or piece of information is put up on the website and first glimpse at the sales from all the new, up and coming designers.

However, the price does not relate to everyone. You do not have to be a part of the subscription service in order to access the website. Non-subscribers can still access the website but will not be able to access certain parts such as the educational activities.

Non-subscribers will also not receive the tri-monthly magazine. Hopefully this factor will drive people in to wanting to subscribe.

Fashion Wanderer will

be located online and in a paper format.

Based in the UK Fashion Wanderer can hopefully be accessed from all over the World so not only will in be located in the UK but in the US, in Asia and anywhere else in the World.

Being located online gives the website an infinite amount of coverage and this may help add to the success of the brand.

I would also want the brand headquarters to be initially based in London, enabling the brand to have access to the latest fashion news, trends and designers.

Fashion Wanderer gives that little extra, it is not just a news page or an online shop but it offers more. This is what makes the product and brand itself so desirable. It combines all aspects of the industry and offers customers everything in one place. It is easily accessible too.

To be a successful product I feel a brand needs to fill a gap in the market and with my magazine and website I feel as though it has filled a gap and more, it has filled gaps and bought them together

to create a multiple use platform.




