Farming Monthly National December 2017 | Page 23

Remote weighing and temperature sensing to transform calf production

| Livestock
Beef and dairy farmers will soon be able to weigh their youngstock and take their temperature several times a day , without having to lift a finger .

A new project , which should be available on farms within the next three years , brings together the latest technology to remotely weigh and record data on calves and youngstock through to mature cattle . “ Not only will this help farmers to fine-tune their management to maximise performance , it will also enable them to identify sick animals at a very early stage , improving recovery speeds and reducing the use of antibiotics ,” explains Alan Beynon , director of PrognostiX , which is developing the technology .

Working with the Nottingham University and British Telecom , the PrognostiX team expects the smart solution , named Y-Ware , to have far-reaching benefits for the industry – from practical farm improvements to retailer traceability . “ By inserting a small bolus into the calf ’ s rumen , and combining it with long-distance LoRa wireless technology , we can pull together all the data in one place ,” explains Mr Beynon . “ With identification capability it offers similar benefits to electronic ear tags but with far more data recording and the bonus of being completely tamper-proof .”
The project secured funding through Innovate UK – and at
£ 1.13m over three years is one of the biggest grants awarded through the scheme . It is also a true application of Internet of Things ( IoT ) technology within livestock farming . “ It ’ s very exciting – we ’ re taking technology developed for other industries and developing it specifically for agriculture to deliver real benefits at significantly lower cost – so it will be accessible to all ,” says Mr Beynon .
PrognostiX is developing the bolus and wireless weighing platform , with BT working on the software and Nottingham University the algorithms to turn statistics into meaningful alerts to farmers . “ The idea is to locate the weighing platform by a water trough – whether inside or outside , it doesn ’ t matter ,” explains Mr Beynon . “ Each animal will then be weighed every time it drinks , and the information – along with its temperature – will be processed by the Edge hub before it is sent wirelessly to the farmer ’ s computer or mobile device .”
By developing unique Edge technology to process data at the point of collection , the system only sends alerts when needed – for example when an animal has a temperature or isn ’ t gaining weight , which saves on battery usage and minimises the data package required . It ’ s also possible to keep other farm records , such as medicine usage , on the bolus , keeping everything in one place .
Unlike other boluses , which are designed for adult cattle , the Y-
Ware bolus can be used in calves from 14 weeks of age . With incredibly accurate growth and performance data , farmers will be able to alter farm management to maximise efficiencies , says Mr Beynon . “ In due course we will be able to gather data from other sensors – such as housing temperatures and humidity – and use that to create the optimum farm environment for animal health and welfare .”
The project secured funding through Innovate UK – and at £ 1.13m over three years is one of the biggest grants awarded through the scheme .
Pneumonia and scours are the most common health problems in calves – typically costing £ 82 and £ 57 per affected calf , respectively . “ Using this new technology to reduce the incidence of disease will yield considerable savings in medicine use alone ,” he adds . “ When you consider the amount of time farmers spend rounding up animals to weigh them or treat them for disease , the labour saving will also be considerable , with less stress and improved health and safety for all involved . This really is game changing technology .”
For more information contact PrognostiX on 01392 872893 , visit www . y-ware . org or email : info @ prognostix-uk . com
www . farmingmonthly . co . uk December 2017 | Farming Monthly | 23