| Security
THE most effective
farm security
Every farm is a unique layout of entrances, gateways,
buildings, and dwellings etc. Hence, it is difficult to be
aware of unwanted activity on your property.
magine having
security guards
positioned in
strategic places on
the site to warn of
intruders. This is exactly what our
wireless driveway and perimeter
alarm systems provide.
Only point-to-point infrared
beams are reliable in an outdoor
situation. Combining long range
wireless and the latest solar
recharging and battery technology,
security beams can be easily
installed in strategic areas around
the site with no wiring.
With a 40m and a 200m beam
span available, coverage of
important areas can easily be
As well as multiple beams,
multiple wireless receivers can be
located in different rooms or
buildings which identify individual
The wireless receivers have
alert outputs which can be used to
drive deterrents like sirens and
strobe lights etc. Outputs can also
be used to trigger mains lighting.
Alerts can also be received by
pager & even more popular - text
alerts to up to eight mobile phones
allows you to receive alerts from
almost anywhere in the world!
Parabeam systems are modular.
A basic effective system can be
achieved with a single beam and
receiver or a more sophisticated
system can be achieved by using
a combination of beams,
receivers, deterrents and text alert.
Parabeam systems are an easy
DIY install which avoids costly
electrical installation.
Tel: 01904295250
Simple steps to tighten your ATV security
Paul Wood, BRP Commercial & Network Development Manager UK & Ireland.
he way farmers
move around their
property has
evolved, from
walking to riding
horses, now to
driving all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
In 2017, these vehicles are now
the main workhorse for any farm,
no matter the location or size, due
to their ability to tackle any terrain
and move heavy items from A to B
with ease. So if they are stolen, the
loss can potentially affect how a
farm runs effectively on a day to
day basis.
According to figures from NFU
Mutual’s 2017 Rural Crime report,
the cost of rural crime to the UK
reached £39.2m and ATVs are one
of the top targeted item for thieves.
This has led to farmers becoming
more security conscious and
investing in preventative measures
to ensure this does not happen to
them or if it does the vehicle can
be traced and returned.
Here are some top tips to ensure
your ATV is secure:
• When purchasing an ATV
ensure the dealership you
purchase it from fits a tracker
• Ensure that you record all the
serial numbers of the
vehicles/machinery you may have
on site as it will help you identify
vehicles if one is stolen.
• Make sure you are lighting the
right places on your farm (tool
sheds, fuel tanks and
outbuildings) and install motion
22 | Farming Monthly | December 2017
sensor lights that will automatically
illuminate areas if any movement
is detected.
• Report all incidents of theft and
any suspicious behaviour to the
police because if it is not, the
police will not know it is
• Keep all vehicles out of sight
and weld a metal cover over the
hasp to protect the building’s
padlocks from being cut with bolt
• Ensure that any storage areas
are locked with padlocks, hasps
and deadbolts.
• Regularly prune any trees or
shrubbery that could potentially
block the light sources.
• Regularly tour your farm to
look at spots that are in permanent
darkness as well as vulnerable
areas such as gates, fences and
doors that could be damaged and
may need fixing or replacing.
• Do not leave any vehicles
outside when you have finished
with them and ensure the keys
have been removed and placed
somewhere safe within the house.
• Display signage at the front of
your farm telling visitors where
they cannot go.
BRP (Bombardier Recreational
Products) designs, manufactures
and distributes motorised
professional, recreational and
powersport vehicles. Its Can-Am
brand provides utility users with
innovative, economical,
comfortable and versatile ATVs
and SSVs.