W hile we are seeing a resurgence in high-value tractor theft this year , the main targets are quads , compact tractors , and other all-terrain vehicles – basically kit which is easy to transport and sell-on ,” says Tim Price , Rural Affairs Specialist at NFU Mutual . “ We ’ re seeing thieves repeatedly targeting farms in some parts of the country . And it ’ s not just at night . Thieves will now strike in daylight when farmers ’ backs are turned . This means it ’ s vital to remove keys from quads and secure them when not in use during the day .”
Because no two farms and country properties are the same there is no standard solution for farm safety .
Whether you run a smallholding , a farm , a rural business , or live in the countryside the same factors need to be taken into account to assess the risks and decide the most effective and
practical solutions .
To understand how thieves select easy targets , go to the nearest public road to your farm can be seen from and see how tempting it looks through a criminal ’ s perspective .
Are there obvious signs that security is tight such as yard gates , security lights and CCTV ? Are buildings secured – or doors left open ? Are farm vehicles such as tractors , quads , Land Rovers and trailers on view – or been locked away ? Are there people about ? The answers to these questions can help you decide whether better security is needed - and what form it should take .
For large or complex businesses , professional assistance is well worth considering to target harden premises .
Police forces can often provide crime prevention advice , and NFU Mutual Risk Management Services can offer consultations on farm
security , fire prevention , safety and pollution prevention .
NFU Mutual farm machinery security checklist : Farmyard
• Use security lighting in yards and drives
• Lock up tools , equipment and vehicles out of sight
• Fit and use yard gates to prevent thieves having easy access
• Use a CCTV system to deter thieves
• Put up security warning signs
• Join a FarmWatch scheme
• Shut and secure buildings to reduce temptation from opportunist thieves
• Keep high value tools in a security cage Machinery
• Remove keys and secure cars , tractors , and other vehicles when unattended
• Fit CESAR marking systems to tractors , quads and other selfpropelled farm vehicles
• Have the Vehicle Identification Number etched on vehicle
• Consider fitting immobilizers and tracking devices on tractors and quads Physically secure ATVs using suitable locking devices or heavy duty security chain and padlocks
• Record machinery serial numbers
• When buying a tractor quad do due diligence checks yourself – before handing over money
• Join local Farm and Rural Watch schemes , Livestock
• Padlock field gates
• Ensure stock is clearly marked and records are up to date
• When possible graze livestock in fields away from roads
• Check stock regularly - and vary times of feeding / check ups
• Ask neighbours to report any sightings or sounds of unusual activity like sheep being loaded on to vehicles at night For more information , visit : www . nfumutual . co . uk / ruralcrime