Farmers Review Africa Nov/Dec 2016 volume 2 Issue no. 6 | Page 57

Market Information

GEA optimises wine production with new decanter skid

Premium free-run juice from the rst to the last grape
�e new GEA Wine Decanter in skid design opens up new , highly pro table production perspectives to winegrowers : 100 % of must recovered have a comparable quality to premium free-run juice in grape juicing . �e GEA Wine Decanter rst showcased at BrauBeviale 2016 covers a spectrum of ve applications with just one skid in the process stages juicing , clari cation and lees processing . It does all this with signi cant time and quality gains whilst simultaneously saving substantial costs .
Perfect grape juicing in 90 seconds Major strength of the new wine decanter is the unparalleled grape juicing quality : �e total yield of must has a consistently high quality . In consequence , the deterioration in quality , which occurs in conventional processes a�er around 50 % of the grapes are processed , is a thing of the past . �e processing time with the skid in continuous operating mode is under 90 seconds instead of the usual one up to three hours . �e added value for the winegrower : the payback time is typically just 1.5 years .
A wine decanter for ve elds of application Due to its innovative design the skid is multifunctional : applicable for juicing , must clari cation and treatment of otation sediment , must and wine lees . “ �is makes the skid a perfect all-rounder in wine production – ideally suited for round-the-clock application and also for the economical processing of small batches ", says Frank Schauz Product Manager Sales at GEA .
Plug & Play for easy handling �anks to state-of-the-art decanter technology in skid design , the wine decanter can be deployed in all areas of red and white wine production : for thermovini cation and thermo ash process as well as mash fermentation . As a pre-mounted skid with a wide selection of machine sizes , it offers customized solutions for every winery . �e complete skid requires just one machine operator for on-going operation , supports CIP processes and is simple to operate and maintain . “ �ose are optimal preconditions for wineries of all sizes to produce red and white wines in consistently high premium quality , with optimised productivity , yield and pro t ”, Frank Schauz concludes . teku @ poeppelmann . com www . poeppelmann . com
www . farmersreviewafrica . com November - December 2016