Farmers Review Africa Nov/Dec 2016 volume 2 Issue no. 6 | Page 58

Market Information Farming 4.0: smart technologies transfer Digitalisation e digitalization has already found its way into big data to smart data digital media is mainly dependent on two At this year's EuroTier (November 15 – 18, 2016, Automation preconditions: e applications need to be user- Hanover, Germany) GEA presents according to e automate d m i l k i ng s y ste ms G E A friendly and need to provide easy-to-understand dairy farming. But the satisfaction of users of their motto “Smart Technology for Future DairyProQ and GEA Monobox are further on results. For that reason GEA offers technologies Farming” intelligent technologies for the the rise due to continuous enhancements. e that combine all data in a way to enable the farmer automation and digitalization in dairy farming. Monobox with its revolutionary and linear to easily work with them. is can be seen in Digitalization has already entered the design enables smooth and easy animal traffic. intelligent automated feeding systems with agricultural sector some time ago. On average, DairyProQ offers a milking process that is wireless integrated control (WIC) or in the herd today's farmers have access to 400,000 data more decentralized and individual to each milking management soware GEA Dair yNet in connection with 365FarmNet. t h an 5 0 ye ar s a g o. B ut t h i s d o e s n ot stall, with a high level of system stability and a automatically bring better times, as every farmer top milking performance. Both systems are may ask himself what to do with all that based on a modular approach for easy information. GEA has intensely dealt with the servicing. rough usage of modern sensor topic on how equipment and digital technology dairy farmers can focus on the technologies together can release and support essentials: animal health and milk quality. With farmers. e integrated applications focus on the CMIQ-monitoring, GEA globally presents the relation between the human, the animal and the rst system to identify a mastitis risk on the technology. So the farmer is able to increase quarter-individual level in real-time. In sum, animal health, milk quality, productivity and the CMIQ sensor technology veri ably pro tability. increases the herd health while the workload is decreased. Focus on the costumer GEA offers a comprehensive service concept for the long-term success of our milk producers. All dealers, sales people and service technicians are highly quali ed, have several years of experience in their eld of expertise and support dairy farmers in keeping their milking systems running. In addition, continuous service programs and scheduled maintenance provide for best equipment performance and sustainable dairy operation.