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GEA showcases wider range
at Agri-Expo Livestock 2016
e Agri-Expo Livestock event at
Sandringham, Stellenbosch is the most
prestigious livestock event in South Africa. e
2016 event, which took place from 13 to 15
October, included cattle championships, youth
shows, animal and product displays, animal
parades, demonstrations, machinery and
At an event such as this, it is important that
the cows are milked comfortably and timeously.
As in previous years, GEA Southern & Eastern
Africa provided an eight-point side-by-side
milking parlour as a goodwill service to the
event organisers and farmers.
e parlour showcased GEA's signature
contemporary, space-efficient design, which
ensures that milking runs smoothly, without
any stress to the cows and with considerable
ease of use for operators. It was tted with the
revolutionary IQ milking cluster, which is
unbeatable when it comes to efficiency, and
included the GEA Dematron 70 milk recording
system. is innovative control unit records
precise data, like the exact yield from each
individual cow, and also analyses that data,
which is invaluable in helping farmers to
monitor production and the condition of their
cows for precision farming, optimum yield and
a healthy, happy herd.
is year, GEA also showcased their total
solutions approach, and brought along some of
their other products that can bene t dairy
farmers across the entire production process,
from hygiene equipment to compressors and
ermo King T-Dairy for transportation
cooling. e goal was to show industry players
that GEA can provide its customers with
equipment, solutions and service of the highest
quality, with some of the best professional
support in the industry, all from one source.
As always, the milking parlour was a draw
card, especially for the many school groups who
attend the expo, and the organisers and farmers
were grateful to GEA for taking such excellent
care of their animals.