Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 | Page 31


Transformation of poultry feeding and drinking systems

Efficient feed utilization has a great effect on pro tability as feed represents the major cost of poultry production .
�e mode and pattern of poultry feeding and drinking systems have evolved to conform to the increasingly sophisticated production systems . Backyard free-range production systems , where supplementary feed was scattered by hand over the whole area of the ' run ' with water provided in s i mple s h a l l ow c ont ainers , h ave n ow transformed into large scale and intensive production systems . Provision of feed and water can be closely measured , controlled and automated by using these advanced systems .
One of the biggest problems faced by producers is upgrading / replacement of poultry feeding equipment in line with growth and development , and corresponding changes in the needs of birds . �is includes knowing exactly when to change the system and the huge labour input required . Problems can be signi cantly reduced by adopting an ' all-age ' broiler feeding system comprising a line system of shallow pans for starting chicks , which can subsequently be telescoped out into deep pans as the chicks grow . �e shallow pan rests on the ground and when the line is raised it telescopes out into a deep pan suspended at a height which is suitable for the now grown bird .
Mechanisation and automation of feeding systems is the key to reducing labour costs . �is can be achieved through the use of sliding auger trough feeding systems for broilers powered by low horsepower ( hp ) motors and used with ' hens only ' or ' all-bird ' grills for the troughs . Other speci c systems include continuousloop , breeder-pan feeding systems that accommodate pullets from one-day old and which can be used to feed adult breeders throughout the laying cycle . Automatic chain feeders are an option for hardpressed producers . �ey are claimed as the ideal choice for the provision of consistent and efficient feeding of pullets and broilers and breeder birds . Essential parts of the system are the feeder , drive unit , trough and the corners and f e e d c h a i n . � e s y s t e m , a c c o r d i n g t o manufacturers , allows feed to be pushed around the complete circuit in the house in just few minutes so that birds are provided with equal access to the same feed formulations . Uniform distribution of feed thus achieved eliminates selective feeding and results in healthier birds , greater uniformity of bird size and considerable monetary saving due to reduced wastage of feed . Systems are equipped with electrical time switches for programmed feeding ( controlled or ad libitum ) and exclusion grills .
Most feeding systems developed for domestic fowl use de nite feeding points to which the birds are attracted . On the other hand , the spin-feeder is an automatic system that mimics the age-old method of scattering feed and grain to free range birds and in this sense brings intensively raised birds closest to the inherent feeding habits of their wild ancestors . Feed is evenly distributed over a widespread area , and the accurate feeding levels achieved means that most birds achieve point-of- www . farmersreviewafrica . com
July - August 2017