Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 | Page 30
Supplement Fencing Solu ons for farms
chemicals which are antagonistic to wood Post & Rail fencing is most commonly seen as a the end. To calculate the number of rails required,
destroying agencies. post and two rail arrangement. However, oen divide the total meters required by 2.4 (rail length)
Timberstone Post and Rail the number of rails may be increased or and multiply the number by 2 (for two rail
Timberstone Post & Rail is an inexpensive,
decreased dependant on the client's needs. A fencing).
sturdy fencing solution which makes it ideal for variety of post lengths and rails can be chosen, Posts are normally dug into the ground 600mm
large boundaries as well as fencing paddocks, but we recommend and hold stock of 1.8 m posts and then back lled with soil. During the dry
and 2.4 meters rails. season, it may be necessary to concrete in the
Post & Rail can easily be used in conjunction
elds and other equestrian and livestock areas.
For example if you choose a 2.4m rail, to install posts as back lling effectively can be impossible
with wire mesh for additional security and to our Post & Rail fence you must set a post every in dried out soil.
keep pets in. Post & Rail is increasingly popular 2.4 meters. To calculate the number of posts Timberstone Post and Rail fencing is a DIY
in SA, as it has aesthetic properties which t required, divide the total length in meters of the product. Based on modular construction, no nails
nicely with the landscape. boundary by 2.4 (post centers) and add 1 post at
or glue are required, and it is fully paintable or
Contributors’ Details
1. Sta x Electric Fence and Security Systems
1. Wireforce
Ndlovu Fencing Pty Ltd Po Box 30174 Wit eld, 11 Brammer Street Industries East Germiston 1411
1. Betafence
Unit B10 Bergriver Park c/o Jan van Riebeeck Drive/Borssenberg Rd
Paarl South Africa
July - August 2017
4. South African Wood Preservers Association
SAFCA Building, 6 Hulley Road, Isando 1601
5. Timberstone