Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 | Page 32

lay on schedule . By using spin feeders poultry farmers can ensure that birds will have uniform access to feed , and will therefore grow at a uniform rate . �e ' instantaneous ' aspect of this mode of feeding decreases the incidence of ' ocking ', while the widespread distribution of the feed eliminates competition .
Use of spin feeders ( free standing or roofmounted ) provides cost-effective and automatic stress-free feeding because each dispenser is able to cater for a large number of birds . �e pattern of feed spread can be manipulated according to the dimensions of the poultry house . Spin feeding is claimed to be economical on labour and userfriendly . Custom-designed and properly installed feeders , for the continuous provision of fresh poultry feed , are of little merit if the feed formulation used is not of the highest quality in the rst place . �is can be ensured by keeping feed in proper storage facilities which comply with standard hygiene recommendations . Feed will be protected from contamination by birds , vermin and moisture , and from sunlight which may cause physical and nutritional degradation of the feed formulation through photooxidation .
Furnishing feed �e design and density of feeders deployed in the poultry house should aim to :
• Provide all birds with the same level and quality of feed so that there is uniform development , feed conversion and weight gain across the whole ock
Ÿ Be suitable at that time for the age , size and type of birds and be easily adapted according to changing requirements .
Ÿ Proffer and provide feed within a minimum stress situation
Ÿ Prevent contamination of feed with feathers and faeces and spoilage through wetting
Ÿ Be presented to and taken by birds with minimum spillage to avoid wastage and health hazard
Ways with water Water is one of the most vital nutrients for birds . As such , importance of the continuity of supply of clean water in a way that allows all birds from chick stage onwards to imbibe freely cannot be over-emphasised . Selection and deployment of d r i n k e r s s h o u l d m e e t t h e f o l l o w i n g requirements :
Allow for daily checking and cleaning to ensure all are always functioning at the correct height for the type and age of birds being served Be deployed at a sufficiently high density to allow all birds to drink at the same time Are immediately accessible for chicks on the move whether accompanied by a broody hen or raised with arti cial heat Provide sufficient watering to encourage drinking by chicks in their learning phase Ensure all drinkers are cleaned daily to remove any blockage by litter and feed Make sure water founts are cleaned daily and replenished with cool clean water
Ÿ For caged birds check nipples and cups of V
Ÿ troughs daily for water ow Accommodate social drinking habits in oor layers . For instance birds in large groups will establish their own individual point for drinking . If this dries up and birds are forced to use other sources the stress incurred may be sufficient to disrupt the laying cycle
Poultry Drinkers Pure , clean and cool water is the most simple and basic yet one of the most vital nutrients . As such the design and deployment of drinkers should follow in the same pattern with emphasis on simplicity and care . Ever since poultry was domesticated , producers have adopted sophisticated methods like ' open water ' systems and standard round bell type hanging drinkers . �e introduction and use of nipple drinkers into oor housing systems are generally accepted as they have the biggest impact on the reduction in spreading of diseases ( especially respiratory disease ). Cup and nipple drinkers are being used for caged birds for nearly ve decades . �eir use in broiler ocks was rst adopted in the United States and later elsewhere so that the modern oor-housed ocks around bene t from improved health and performance and reduced secondary infection .
But switching to nipple / cup drinkers was not all ' plain sailing '. Researchers and producers were concerned that nipple drinkers might leak , causing wet patches on the litter and that they might not provide adequate water supply to maintain good growth rates , especially during periods of hot weather . Both concerns were subsequently discovered to be unfounded .
Research conducted in the Netherlands examined ve different commercially available drinkers : round hanging bell type ; low-pressure nipples ; high-pressure nipples ; drinker cups and nipple plus drinker cup . Results showed a higher bacterial load for open watering systems and even bigger differences for faecal contamination as measured by Enterobacteriaceae ( e . g . E . coli ) counts . Overall litter integrity was better and the lesser growth of pathogenic organisms improved broiler carcass quality gradings with less breast blisters and hockburns . Ammonia emissions were reduced thereby lowering the birds ' susceptibility to respiratory infections as well as reducing the severity of ascites .
�is is not to say that nipple drinking-systems are free of infection . Indeed the total bacterial load of such systems can be relatively high with bacteria on the surface of the nipple and the danger of water lines becoming blocked by the growth of slime-producing bacteria like Pseudomonads . �is problem is overcome by regular disinfection and ushing through with appropriate cleansing agents . Over the years worries about nipple systems failing to provide adequate water , particularly at times of potential heat stress , have been overcome by a range of innovations . High-pressure nipples that produce a permanent hanging drop of water to encourage the birds to drink are now the norm .
Development of a nipple with a at button like disc at its tip , so that it would retain a larger drop of water opened new dimensions within this eld of thinking . A droplet of water is formed on the disc where the birds can see it and tip the disc to drink . �e slightly tilted disc allows water to ow from the drinker ball valve to re ll the disc with water , which is held there thus eliminating any spillage . �e stainless steel disc re ects light which in turn attracts birds to drink . Moreover , it stays clean to maintain good hygiene .
Innovations in a similar vein include nipples with a pin that ares out at the base allowing more water remain on the pin . Birds therefore have access to a larger drop instead of having to return to the pin several times to satisfy their thirst . Bene ts of combined nipple / drip cup drinking systems include easier access to the nipple , allowing day-old chicks to drink directly and an added safeguard against water seepage onto the litter .
July - August 2017
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