FAP 233 | Page 23

Fact : A third of its population is descendent of African slaves, imported by the Dutch to work on sugar plantations. Around half are descentent of indentured indian agricultural workers brougthby the British after slavery was abolished

Guyana's name, first given to the region by Christopher Columbus in 1948, derives from the Amerindian words "lands of many waters" and refers to the njmerous rivers that flow through.

Educational System

The school system compromises of:

1. Preschool/Nursery Education.

2. Primary Education (Elementary)

3. Secondary Education(High School)

4. Special Education.

5. Teacher Education.

6. University.

7. Continuing Education.

Education in Guyana is provided largely by the gobernment of Guyana, through the Ministry of Education and its arms in the ten different regions of the country. Guyana's education is a legacy from its time as British Guiana, and it is similar to that of the other anglophonemember states of the Caribbean Community, which are affiliated to the Caribbean Examinations Council. The educational system is divided into eleven districts, ten of which correspond to the national administrative and geographical regions of the country, while the capital, Georgetown, is treated as a separate educational district.

The age for beginning compulsory education are 5 years nine months and students are required to attend school until age 16. However, children who do not meet the statutory age to begin school are sometimes enrolled early or generally attend some kind of pre-school. To meet the requirments for compulsory education students generally attend public schools, but there are a few private schools which offer education at one or all stages of learning,: home-schooling is virtually non-existent in Guyana.

The academic year usually begins in September and ends in July of the folowing year.