Today you can do all you have always wanted. Be carefull with your money, you can be stolen. An old love might visit you today in your house. Your lucky number is 3 and your colour is green.
Friends with problems today might knock your door in search of advice. You should try to spend more time with your partner, make some plans for the day. Your lucky number is 5 and your colour is white.
You should try today to stay home. A delivery that you were expecting from far away might be delayed. Is a good day to buy a pet, specially a cat. Your lucky number today is 9 and your colour is blue.
It might be a good idea to take some time alone to rest. If you can't, at least try to take things easy. Also, some unexpected changes in your work would occur today. You lucky number is 7 and your colour is purple.
Try new things, new experiences, you should go out with your friends and have fun. Today you can have a free day of work or school. Your lucky number is 13 and your colour is yellow.
Try not to take things too seriously, Leo. take care of any investigative work that needs doing. There are important facts coming from unexpected sources. Your lucky number is 4 and your colour is red.