Trip Housing
Questions ?
Trip Housing
Participants may be expected to share rooms , and possibly beds , with peers of the same gender . Specific housing details are listed in the trip information . To arrange for a single room or bed , if available , please call the trip contact listed in the program guide by the designated registration deadline . An additional fee may apply for these arrangements .
NSSRA staff may not be present in all rooms during downtime , personal care / hygiene time or overnight . Room assignments will be made at the staff ’ s discretion . Participants are expected to stay in their rooms and be respectful of their roommates . To arrange for a staff member to be present in the room overnight , please call the trip contact as listed in the program guide by the designated registration deadline .
Questions ?
For any questions about trips , please contact Lacey Allen at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6833 or lallen @ nssra . org .
Trips start on the next page CIRCLE-A
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 17