Trip Eligibility
General Trip Expectations
Registration Deadline
Activities of Daily Living
Overnight Trips
Trip Eligibility
Participants must be able to meet general trip expectations for all overnight trips . Specific trip eligibility is listed in the program guide information . For all trips lasting longer than three days and two nights , participants must attend an NSSRA overnight trip prior to the registration deadline for the desired trip in order for NSSRA staff to assess the individual ’ s readiness for the trip . Assessments will be completed at the end of all trips to determine eligibility for future trips .
General Trip Expectations
For NSSRA overnight trips , participants must be able to : s
Meet all expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct .
Participate in a group setting and follow all scheduled activities .
Demonstrate appropriate social skills with peers , staff and members of the public .
s Carry out activities of daily living , with or without staff assistance . s
Respectfully share living space with other participants and staff .
Registration Deadline
Friday , December 6
Please note that registration for overnight trips will be conducted on a first-come-first-served basis , meaning that spots will be filled in the order that registrations are received . There will no longer be a lottery system in place for trip registration . Don ' t wait to sign up for these amazing opportunities !
Activities of Daily Living
All participants are required to adhere to NSSRA participant expectations for the duration of the trip . Depending on the trip , NSSRA staff are available to provide different levels of reminders , prompting and assistance for activities of daily living ( i . e . toileting , showering , brushing teeth , dressing and feeding ). Specific expectations for carrying out activities of daily living on trips are listed in the program guide information .
16 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Overnight Trips