Adaptive Sports Center BUS-ALT MONEY-BI BolT-Lig SHIELD-E PHONE-AR
Adaptive Sports Center BUS-ALT MONEY-BI BolT-Lig SHIELD-E PHONE-AR
Registration Deadline : Friday , December 6 , registration is first-come , first-served . Location : Adaptive Sports Center , Crested Butte , Colorado Age : 18 and up Min / Max : 6 / 10
NSSRA is heading back to the mountains for another trip of a lifetime to Adaptive Sports Center ( ASC ) in Crested Butte , Colorado ! ASC is a therapeutic recreation organization providing year-round activities ranging from mountain biking and skiing to ice climbing and kayaking for individuals with disabilities .
Together , ASC and NSSRA offer participants a ski / snowboarding trip in the mountains of beautiful Crested Butte , Colorado . No prior experience with skiing or snowboarding is necessary ; ASC staff will pair up with our group to provide adaptations and individualized lessons . Pack your warm winter clothes and join us for an exhilarating adventure !
Participants must be able to meet all general trip expectations . Participants are expected to carry out all activities of daily living independently . Minimal staff guidance and prompting is provided to remind participants of activities of daily living . Participants must be independent for periods of time where staff supervision and assistance is not available , including overnight sleeping , down time , personal care and hygiene . This trip includes outdoor activities such as skiing , snowboarding and snowshoeing and will require significant walking for activities in the winter weather . It is not recommended that you register if you tire easily when walking or if you do not have the desire to ski or snowboard for the majority of each day .
Eligibility : New participants must attend a short overnight trip prior to Friday , December 6 for NSSRA staff to assess readiness for this trip .
Housing : The group will be staying at one of the Adaptive Sports Center-owned buildings . Participants will share rooms with peers of the same gender . Staff will not be present in any rooms overnight , but will be present in the building . To arrange for a single room , please contact Lacey Allen , Recreation Specialist for Trips , to make arrangements , if available , by the registration deadline .
A trip packet will be sent out one month prior to the trip . All new participants and guardians must attend a trip information meeting .
Please contact Lacey Allen at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6833 or lallen @ nssra . org for additional trip details .
Date : Sunday , February 23 - Thursday , February 27 Program Code : 151001-61 Deposit : $ 600 Aprroximate Fee : $ 2,450 - 2,750
18 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Overnight Trips