Falcon Flyer Spring 2022-2023 | Page 21

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Star Players 

This lacrosse season, the heart of the team resided with our three juniors. Natalie Rosales has been to the team since freshman year. Rosales has a lot of history behind the stick and shared a lot with others. She ended her junior year with a total of 17 goals and 17 assists. 

Saoirse Twomey showed effort, consistency, and hard work in close games. She served as an example of what “Never Quit” means and changed positions from a persistent attack player to a reliable midfielder.  This let her show skills on both defense and offense. She had a total of  27 goals, 28 assists, and 48 ground balls. 

    Lasty, Frankie Accetta was the glue that bonded the team together. Frankie showed resilience this season in taking the draw almost every game and winning the majority of possessions. She had 18 goals and 6 assists and everyone is looking forward to seeing what a force she will be next year. 

Upcoming Years and Season Overview

The Saddle Brook Girls Lacrosse team is beginning to start having younger players develop and the team looks forward to having more successful seasons in the years to come. Leading goal-scorer, Saorise Twomey said that “even though we had a tough year, we have the same team for next year so we’re coming back next year with a bigger and better mindset.” The girls would also like to thank the school for all their support throughout their season and cannot wait to see what the next season brings.