Faith Tabernacle Church Magazine October 2013 | Page 10

$19,347 -- Industrial stove New Cupboards Two Fridges Dishwasher Ventilation Lighting Upgrade electrical & plumbing NEEDED $50,000 -- Dinners Weddings Funerals Banquets Special Events Small Groups Public Events Special Fundraising SERVING the COMMUNITY by $100,000 -- As we engage our Vision of bringing good news to the people of Halifax through Community Action, City Mission and Church Ministry, a strategic part of our Christian service is demonstrated through good neighbourliness, generousity, and HOSPITALITY. The Bible encourages an ongoing engagement in the ministry of Hospitality (Romans 12:13, Titus 1:8 and Hebrews 13:2) and in order to be fully engaged we must first be PREPARED. Recently we have taken a further step in this ongoing process of preparing ourselves to better serve our community in the strategic area of Hospitality by updating and reappointing our Kitchen Facilities. Our future plans include Fire Suppression, Proper Ventilation, a new Industrial Stove and New Cabinetry. This investment is one in our capacity to serve the purposes of God more effectively. Our kitchen already serves thousands of hot meals every year. As we continue to move ahead with the renovation of our church kitchen, we are not just smartening up our facility. We are getting ready to better serve our church and community. We have already placed a new 30" stove, and now have purchased the new 60" industrial stove. Installing this industrial stove will involve electrical work and appropriate ventilation. Soon to come is a commercial dishwasher, two refrigerators, cabinets, countertops, improved lighting, and flooring. Thank you for sharing your part in helping bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heart of our city. 10