Faith Tabernacle Church Magazine October 2013 | Page 9

Praying Together By Pastor Sheila Many years ago Alfred Tennyson made this statement that has been often quoted regarding prayer: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Many books have been written over the years regarding prayer and its tremendous value. What a privilege is ours to be able to go to the very throne room of God and open our hearts up to Him and know that He is there to hear and respond to the cry of our hearts. Here at Faith Tabernacle Church there are a number of opportunities for us to gather corporately and seek the face of God, to pray together: 1. Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Time 9:30 – 10:30 am 2. Monday Evening 7:00 – 9:00 pm 3. Monthly Missions Prayer 6:00 – 6:45 pm 3rd Wednesday of each month 4. Prayer Chain All are invited to be part of these corporate prayer times. If you are hosting a prayer meeting at your home and would like to have it mentioned, please contact John Pelton at 902-444-1948 or 902-830-8860 or by e-mail [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??f?F?F&W&?6?R6?W&6?( 2'&??v??p??W76vR?b??RF?F?Rv?&?@?6??'BFW&??76???F???v??7F?&W"#GF?F???fV?&W"wF?#0?????v??6?WF?V7Bg&?6?6?V?G????fW'G??V?2F?B??7B6???G&V?v????WfW ?GFV?B66????&W???BF?V?"&??'??V'2??W@????RG&V??b&V??r&?RF?GFV?BV??fW'6?G??"6???VvR??F?V?"?fWF??R?????2R?b??v?66????vR6???G&V??f??r????v?7GV??GFV?B??v?66?????'F??GVRF??fW'G??B?6??b&W6?W&6W2F?B??R???rf?"66????fVW2???76?&?R???????6?V?G&?W2&?V?BF?Rv?&?B???v?66????VGV6F????2&6?26W'f?6R&?f?F??p?W76V?F?????v?VFvR?6????2??Bf?VW2F?Bf?&?F?Rf?V?FF???f?"?fV???r?V&???r??6???WB?&6?2VGV6F???v?fW2V??Rw&VFW"V6????2??'GV??F?W2?@?V??vW'2F?V?F??VB?V?F??W"?B??&R&?GV7F?fR?fW2??W"vV?W&?W2f???6??v?gB?v???&?f?FRF?R??'GV??G?f?"6???B????v?F?&P?&W67VVBg&???fW'G?F?6???WFRF?V?"??v?66????VGV6F?????B&W7F?&R??R??F?????Rf?"v?f??r?N( b6??v??r?fW2f?&WfW"??F?&V6V?Bv???&R?77VV@?????