Faith Tabernacle Church Magazine October 2013 | Page 11

Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church Bringing the 'Gospel of Jesus Christ' to the heart of Halifax, and the whole world. Sunday Services Morning Worship 10:30 am Evening Service 6:00 pm Faith Tabernacle Church 6225 Summit Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 1R6 Church Offices Phone: (902) 455-1523 Fax: (902) 455-1682 Email: [email protected] Visit our website... ————- Pastoral Staff Pastor John Cheyne Pastor Sheila MacDonald Pastor Paul Khosla -------------------?-------------------------------------------------?----------------------------------------------------?----------------- Welcome to We welcome you to Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church If we can assist you in any way please let us know by filling out this section of the magazine, tear it off and place it in the offering bag... I am new in the city I would like a phone call Children's Ministries Kidz Alive / BG Club Youth Ministries Ages 9-18 Young Adult Ministries Ministries for Families Ministries for Adults Nursery Facilities Wheelchair Accessible Elevator Scent-Free Seating Area Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________ Phone No: ________________ 11Email: ___________________